Tuesday, May 29, 2012

What a crazy weekend. Besides having a day job, I also work for a catering company. There were two large weddings this weekend. Both my Saturday and Sunday were completely consumed with setting tables and slinging food and cake. Cake at 10:30 at night is never good for a diet. There are two couples that are hopefully celebrating wedding bliss. Me... I am just tried. On Monday morning, I went to a wonderful Yin yoga/Meditation class. It was absolutely wonderful. It cleared out all the crappy wedding music and noise out of my head. And it was gentle on my body. I spent the rest of my Monday with my husband. We went to the beach, and I sat in my beach chair and SAT.

I hardly cooked all weekend. I made some lovely small pizzas using whole wheat Naan bread for lunch on Saturday. Very good and easy. Boar's Head turkey pepperoni is delicious. Pick up the Naan in your deli area of  your local grocery store. I really want to cook this week. I will need to scan Foodgawker.com for some inspiration.

Last week, my husband and son went fishing. They only caught one fishing worth bringing home. They decided to show the fish to the cats. Apple Jax wanted Nothing to do with it. But, Black Cherry was something different. First he snift it, and they he started liking it. We just laughed and laughed. Enjoy the picture.

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